The Signature Collection
Featured collection

Premium craftsmanship meets wearable art

Bamako Bag
Our Bamako Bag is inspired by Lamu Island’s beautiful Swahili
architecture –its elaborate wood carving details on the doors and
furniture. SHOP NOW

Our Azamir bag is a top seller, known for its versatility and available in multiple colors and sizes. SHOP NOW

Our sterling silver earrings, Losa are handmade in Kenya. Enjoy the intricate craftsmanship, offering lightweight versatility with a contemporary, traditional blend. SHOP NOW

The Morphne Backpack is handcrafted from soft Ethiopian leather with handwoven panels, featuring multiple pockets and versatile compartments to keep your essentials secure and organized. SHOP NOW

Stop by Our In-Store Locations
Our retail locations can be found at National Harbor, MD, BWI Marshall Airport, and in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.